Building confidence, leadership, and creativity in Cape Elizabeth's youth

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.”

— Plato

Our mission is enriching lives and changing the world by building public appreciation of and participation in the arts. We’ll create opportunities for public performances and community education through leadership and instruction.

Changing the world through music is possible. We’ve done it before.

CAPE Arts & Music’s goal is to support local families in bringing the arts to our community, to build confidence and creativity in the youth of Cape Elizabeth, to bring joy to all ages through the process of becoming an artist and having the professional support essential for the growth of our community.

Create, Perform, Lead at Summer Camp

CAPE Arts & Music Summer Camp is a fully supervised day that nurtures creativity, community, leadership building and an appreciation for the creative process. No experience or expertise is necessary, just enthusiasm for the process of making art and music, building specialized lego kits, a willingness to experiment with new ways of expressing creativity.

Please contact Candice Bellinger for more info:

2025 sessions will take place during the first full week of July.

  • July 7-11 , 2025